Rose Pacheco

Nectar Vase

10" H x 8 1/4" D

Rose Pacheco was born in 1968 and has been active making pottery since the late 1970's. She is the daughter of the late Paulita and Gilbert Pacheco. Gilbert and Paulita practiced the traditional Santo Domingo craft of heishe (handmade stone strung jewelry) until the 1970s when Paulita's eyes gave out and they turned to pottery.

Paulita is the sister of famed potter Robert Tenorio. Rose started potting occasionally at the age of 7 under the guidance of her parents and her uncle, Robert.

When her mother passed away and Gilberts' health started to fail she assumed the family tradition and began to make a career as a potter.

Rose considers herself a traditional potter; her wares are hand-coiled from locally gathered clays, decorated with popular centuries old animal and floral motifs with natural paints derived from area plants applied by yucca brush and then finally pit fired outdoors. An egg white coating followed a vegetable oil imbues the work with the final soft sheen.

Hers is a centuries old labor intense method of crafting pottery which usually means high price tags, but Rose's excellent signed artistic pottery is surprisingly affordable.

Gallery Price $350.00


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